Where Savers Go to Grow2024-08-21T20:55:23-05:00

Where Savers Go to Grow

HIT Investments is dedicated to educating people on behavioral and personal finance.

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HIT Investments philosophy and strategies implemented in one fund


Helping you to help yourself within personal finance and investments.


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As Hurricane Harvey began to move East so did the waters gathered in the reservoirs North and West of our home.  After 4 days of torrential downpour the hurricane had moved on.  The sun was shining.  Then we fl......

As the kids go down for a nap and the waters begin to stabilize I gather some of our thoughts over the last couple days, and the days to come. [...]

We all put off unpleasant tasks.  In surveys 95% of all people admit to procrastinating, with about a quarter of them saying it is a chronic, defining characteristic.  Our innate [...]

1. Happiness The overarching reason why we want to become debt free is that it can lead to increased happiness. Here are 18 reasons for getting out of debt and [...]

A burger and a slice of cheese together cost $1.10. The burger costs a dollar more than the cheese. How much does the cheese cost? (It’s more impactful if you [...]

Benjamin Graham, the forefather of fundamental value investing once taught Warren Buffett, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get”. Since Benjamin Graham wrote Security Analysis in the [...]

We have many behavioral biases and the latest data shows that “home bias” is one of them. Home bias is where we invest more of our assets in the country [...]

With the shopping season upon us, let me introduce you to one of HIT Investments’ favorite deal sharing sites: Slickdeals. Slickdeals has over a million active members submitting, commenting, and [...]

The steady stream of questions and comments from interested readers has led me to the creation of a new HIT Investments Series: The Mailbag. Since I write for you, I [...]