Imagine sitting on the edge of a dock gazing across a dark blue ocean. Each wave crashing at your feet represents a moment in your life, fleeting and irreplaceable. Time, like each wave, is both abundant and finite. It’s a resource we often take for granted, yet it’s the most precious one we possess. Every second that ticks by is a moment we don’t get back, an opportunity to make a choice, take action, or savor. How we choose to spend our time defines the very essence of our lives.

This past spring I focused on my own time just like I have done with religion, my finances and HIT Capital, I dove into the data. I used a time tracking application – Toggl and started tracking time down to the second. Was I spending too much time doing tasks I didn’t enjoy or was I living out my priorities just like I wanted?

The motivator to do this whole exercise was because I thought I needed to reign in the amount of time I was spending on regulatory, tax, and back office burdens associated with a growing business. The narrative that I was telling myself ended up being different from what the data laid out. I was suffering from narrative bias, which is the tendency to interpret information as being part of the story that you want to believe, regardless of whether the facts support the interpretation.

The operational burdens I thought were taking up half of my life ended up being minimal and the majority of my time aligned with my priorities.

  • 36% Family (family + coaching)
  • 20% Learning (stock research + Spanish)
  • 15% Financial Advising
  • 7% Self Health

3 of the 4 activities aligned with my priorities but the financial advice was like a rogue wave hitting me in the face while looking out over the ocean.

It shouldn’t have been a shock as HIT’s mission is to democratize wealth and I do love seeing my friends blaze their own financial paths and fishing out all the obstacles keeping them from achieving their goals like unnecessary costs, taxes, poor investments and complexity.

I like to surf, so rather than continuing to take rogue waves in the face I am excited to share that I am in the midst of bringing a financial wellness program to market. I want to show more people how to control their finances so they can spend more time on the dock with their family and friends.

But before it officially launches, I need your help and feedback. Which of the following statements resonates with you the most? (See survey below)